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VGM: Sega Game Music Vol. 2

Updated: Jun 12, 2022

OST: Sega Game Music Vol. 2 (Arcade)

Games: Fantasy Zone, Hang-On, Enduro Racer, Quartet

(Sega Enterprises, 1985 - 86 / Scitron & Art Inc., 2000)

4 classic Sega Arcade soundtracks, 1 incredible disc! 💿

This soundtrack, released in 2000 by Scitron & Art Inc., contains 4 legendary Sega Arcade soundtracks by renowned VGM composers Funky K.H. And Hiro. Whether you’re bopping to the endlessly catchy day-glo melodies of Fantasy Zone, speeding down the highway with the windows down leaving the accelerating tunes of Hang-On to the wind, feeling that pixelated dirt whiz past your ears with the Main BGM of Enduro Racer, or ready to save the world with 3 friends to the rising futuristic keyboards of Quartet, this soundtrack has you there!

A very nice bonus of this soundtrack, is the addition of an extra music transcription booklet for ‘Opa-Opa’, ‘Hang-On’, ‘Enduro Racer- Main BGM’, and ‘Quartet Theme’. Additionally, the soundtrack contains some liner notes including information from Hiro and Funky K.H., and a full-color center-booklet spread of original promo flyers for these Sega arcade classics!

Do you have a favorite soundtrack from these 4 beloved arcade games?

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