Console: Sega Genesis
Game: Super Volleyball
Genre: Sports
(Video System Co. Ltd., 1991)
Bump, Set… SMASH!! 💥🏐
Wrapping up our Olympic trilogy this week, we have Super Volleyball from Video System Co. Ltd. on the Sega Genesis!
This game really captured the indoor, professional team Volleyball vibes, with great graphics, solid chiptunes, a fun tempo, and tense action!
Super Volleyball also has a surprising amount of depth, with the ability to perform regular serves, jump serves, the classic bump-set-spike, dive for the ball, and depending on which direction you press on the D-Pad, you can choose to smash the ball or try and trick the opponents with a lob instead.
All of these moves happen reactively and naturally once you learn how to perform them and happen at a steady pace that really keep the Volleyball action flowing.
Can you lead your team to victory in this 16-Bit sports classic?