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Phantasy Star Online Ver. 2


Game: Phantasy Star Online Ver. 2

Genre: Action / RPG

(Sonic Team / Sega, 2001)

"Prepare Yourself for the Next Level"

Dreamcast Wood Grain Controller
Boarding the Pioneer 2!

Expanding on the pioneering Dreamcast original, have you played this online RPG classic? Phantasy Star Online Ver. 2 expands on Ver. 1's original content with new features including; Ultimate Difficulty setting, Battle Mode, Challenge Dungeon, and more.

Will you join fellow Pioneer 2 passengers to investigate the clues left by Rico Tyrell on planet Ragol to discover an evil long past?

*Versions of the original Phantasy Star Online have also released on GameCube, Xbox, and Windows.

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1 Comment

Jordan Itkowitz
Jordan Itkowitz
Feb 18, 2021

Much as I loved the PS series on SMS and Genesis (yes even III) I never played any of the PSO games. Maybe cause they just didn't resemble the original games in the least, far as I know they're not even in the Algol system, are they?

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