Game: Phantasy Star Online Ver. 2
Genre: Action / RPG
(Sonic Team / Sega, 2001)
"Prepare Yourself for the Next Level"

Expanding on the pioneering Dreamcast original, have you played this online RPG classic? Phantasy Star Online Ver. 2 expands on Ver. 1's original content with new features including; Ultimate Difficulty setting, Battle Mode, Challenge Dungeon, and more.
Will you join fellow Pioneer 2 passengers to investigate the clues left by Rico Tyrell on planet Ragol to discover an evil long past?
*Versions of the original Phantasy Star Online have also released on GameCube, Xbox, and Windows.
Much as I loved the PS series on SMS and Genesis (yes even III) I never played any of the PSO games. Maybe cause they just didn't resemble the original games in the least, far as I know they're not even in the Algol system, are they?