VG Merch: Defender Teeny Tin
Product: Midway Gaming Box
Manufacturer: The Coop
Release: 09/18/2018
"I'm the Defender, A Mind Bender... 🎶 " (The Defender / Buckner & Garcia)
Gamers, time to talk snacks! What are your favorite things to munch on while trying to top that high score, or defeat that final boss? 🍪🕹🥨
(You’ll definitely find cookies and pretzels in our Defender Teeny Tin!)
Check out our previous Midway Arcade Box post, and stay tuned for more this week on the Midway Gaming Box! (You can also visit us on Instagram and Twitter.) 🎮
*Bonus Stage: The Defender Teeny Tin is part of the Coop Midway Arcade Box, which contains various Midway collectibles, which also includes a Paperboy magnet, Gauntlet bumpersticker, Spy Hunter pin, Rampage Journal, and a Joust flying ostrich boingle figure reminiscent of the cabinet side art!