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Black Belt (SMS)

Writer: coinsnconsolescoinsnconsoles

Console: Master System

Game: Black Belt

Genre: Action

(Sega, 1986)

Can you help Riki defeat arch rival Wang and his minions to rescue his girlfriend Kyoko in this 8-Bit action classic? 🥋

Black Belt (SMS)
The Black Belt... fits!

With its straight-ahead action, catchy chip-tunes, large boss battles, and early use of line scrolling to simulate depth, Black Belt had a lot to offer action-eager gamers back in 1986! The game received the pseudo-sequel ‘Last Battle’ on the Sega Genesis / Mega Drive that followed much of the same stylings of the 8-Bit original.

*Bonus Stage: There’s a subtle reference in the photo above to the game’s original release in Japan, before being localized for other regions. Can you spot the Easter Egg?





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